The following is a list of tafsir works. Tafsir is a body of commentary and explication, aimed at explaining the meanings of the Qur'an, the central religious text of Islam. Tafsir can broadly be categorized by its affiliated Islamic schools and branches and the era it was published, classic or modern.
In Najaf, Tabataba'i developed his major contributions in the fields of Tafsir (interpretation), philosophy, and history of the Shi'a faith. In philosophy the most important of his works is Usul-i falsafeh va ravesh-e-realism (The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism), which has been published in five volumes with explanatory notes and the commentary of Morteza Motahhari. If Ayatollah Haeri is considered the reviver of Qom's hawza in an organizational sense, Tabataba'i's contributions to the field of tafsir, philosophy and mysticism represent the intellectual revitalization of the hawza with lasting implications for the curriculum.[3]
Tafsir Al Mizan Farsi Pdf
Tafsir Noor is an exegesis on the Quran by Iranian cleric Mohsin Qara'ati in Persian. The book has 12 volumes and won "Book of the Year Award" in 1997 from the President of Iran.[1] Before publishing his own commentary on Qur'an, the author was a contributing member of the Tafsir Nemooneh team.[2] In the introduction, the author admits relying on older tafsir works, such as Majma' al-Bayan, Tafsir al-Kabir (al-Razi), Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalayn, Ruh al-Ma'ani, Tafsir al-Mizan, Fi Zilal al-Quran, Tafsir Safi, Atyab al-bayan, Tafsir Nemooneh and Tafsir Rahnama up to seventy percent; the rest he says are his own findings.[3]
This volume contains the exposition of two complete surahs, that is, Maryam (Mary) (98 verses) and Ta-Ha (135 verses). Default Title Add to cart Add to wishlist Add to compare Twitter
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Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i ou Sayyid Mohammad Hossein Tabataba'i (em farsi: علامه سید محمد حسین طباطبائی) foi um dos pensadores mais importantes da filosofia e do islã xiita contemporâneo. De 1954 a 1972, trabalhou na obra que o tornou famoso, Tafsir al-Mizan, um trabalho de 27 volumes de exegese do Corão.[4] Também é conhecido como Allameh Tabataba'i e a Universidade Allameh Tabataba'i, em Teerã, foi nomeada em em sua homenagem.
Foi em Najaf que Tabataba'i desenvolveu suas principais contribuições nos campos de Tafsir (interpretação), filosofia e história da fé xiita. Na filosofia, o mais importante de seus trabalhos é o Usul-i falsafeh va ravesh-e-realism ("Os Princípios da Filosofia e o Método do Realismo"), publicado em cinco volumes, com notas explicativas e comentários de Morteza Motahhari. Se o Aiatolá Haeri é considerado o responsável pelo revitalização do hawza de Qom em um sentido organizacional, as contribuições de Tabataba'i para o campo do tafsir, filosofia e misticismo representam a revitalização intelectual do hawza com implicações duradouras para o currículo.
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